Effective Way to Get Rid of Cockroach Babies in Your Car – Use This Bait, Many Trapped!
Source : SirapLimau
Despite various efforts to keep cockroach babies out of your car, they still seem to be everywhere. Even using insect repellent sprays hasn’t quite done the trick. So, why not try a new approach? Wajihah Derus Bilis Sabah has a simple yet effective bait recipe to trap these pesky insects and start eliminating cockroach babies in your car. Let’s give it a shot!
After just two days of using this cockroach bait, the results are impressive. This container is from last night, and the one from the night before has already been disposed of. There were a lot of results yesterday.
It seems like it’s necessary to do it again tonight. If just spraying insect repellent doesn’t seem to kill the cockroaches, try this method – it appears to be quite effective.
Ingredients and preparation method:
Condensed milk
Tap water
Unused container
Mix both ingredients in the container, but don’t make it too watery – keep it a bit thick for better results.
Then, place the container with the bait inside your car at night.
Check the results the next morning; you’ll see many cockroach babies trapped in the bait. Feel free to share this, so more people can use this method to catch a lot of cockroaches.
Note: This article is a summary of information from SirapLimau and For the full details, please check the original source.
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