Man Complains About Bright Signboard Light Disrupting His Sleep

Source: Facebook | Dennis Tan

Recently, Dennis shared in his latest post that the company stopped lighting up the signboard within 24 hours after his complaint went viral.

Sleep is essential for recharging after a long day and ensuring we wake up fresh the next day. Ideally, everyone needs at least eight hours of good, uninterrupted sleep to feel rested. However, getting that perfect sleep isn’t always easy for everyone.

Beyond personal issues, external factors can also make it tough to get a good night’s rest.

Bright Signboard Light Disrupts Sleep

This was exactly the problem faced by a man living near Midvalley South Key Shopping Centre in Johor Bahru.

In a Facebook post, Dennis Tan expressed his discomfort due to the bright red light from an insurance company’s signboard, AIA Malaysia, which made it hard for him to sleep.

The light, shining from the shopping centre, was so bright that it penetrated his bedroom even with the blinds closed.

“Hello AIA Midvalley Johor Bahru, your signboard is too bright. It’s very disturbing,” he wrote in his post.

Dennis also shared some photos showing how the light from the company’s signboard lit up his room, despite the blinds.

His post quickly caught the attention of netizens, who sympathized with his situation. Many commented, tagging AIA Malaysia and urging the company to respond.

Some even suggested Dennis file a complaint with the Johor Bahru City Council (MBJB) to ensure action was taken.

Lights Turned Off After Viral Post

Following the viral post, the company turned off the lights within 24 hours.

Dennis updated his Facebook, thanking AIA Malaysia and MBJB for their quick response. He also appreciated the support from other Facebook users who helped him resolve the issue.

“Power of Facebook, the post went viral within 24 hours. For now, they (AIA Malaysia) have turned it off temporarily.

“Thank you AIA Malaysia for the quick response. Hopefully, your signboard will have a more comfortable light in the future, and thanks to MBJB for the response.

“I can now sleep peacefully,” Dennis wrote.

For your info, each Local Authority (PBT) sets brightness standards for digital, electronic, and LED billboards to ensure they do not disturb the surroundings.

According to the Ministry of Works (KKR), the brightness level for billboards with street lights should be 1200 nits@cd/m2 during the day and 300 nits@cd/m2 at night.

For billboards in areas without street lights, the level should be 600 nits@cd/m2 during the day and 150 nits@cd/m2 at night.

Additionally, all LED billboards must have automatic dimming to adjust brightness according to the surrounding light conditions.

Source : Facebook | Dennis Tan

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