Pricey Ironman Statue Worth RM10,000 Shattered by Accidental Kid Mishap

Source: Majoriti
A shop in Indonesia is now facing a loss of over RM10,000 as a child unintentionally damages a high-value statue inside.
The incident occurred at Iconic Gelato & Bistro Yogyakarta, an ice cream restaurant known for its Hollywood movie superhero theme.
The statue suffered severe damage when the child accidentally knocked it over, estimated to be worth around 33 million Indonesian Rupiah or RM10,450.
In a recorded video, a worker is seen busy collecting the broken pieces of the statue, accompanied by the cries of a young boy believed to be the culprit.
— voilajogja (@voilajogja) December 30, 2023
Ada yang jatuhin figure Iron Man sampai pecah😿 Kalau Iconic punya udah pasti ori. Ga kebayang mesti ganti berapa puluh juta ini, bapaknya sampe gemeteran abis kejadian
However, the exact cause of the accident is still uncertain up to now.
A picture showing the statue’s position before the incident, along with a warning not to touch the decoration, is available.

Interestingly, the shop has not filed any compensation claims at this time, demonstrating a understanding attitude towards this unintentional event. A lesson for all of us to be more cautious in public spaces!