[VIDEO] Guide Shares Practices & Forbidden Acts During Visit to Jabal Rahmah

Source: X | @pkckam

For anyone fortunate enough to perform Hajj and Umrah, a visit to Jabal Rahmah is a must. People flock there not just to reflect on its significance, but some also hope for a bit of matchmaking luck.

However, a few go overboard, straying from Islamic teachings and engaging in what some might call superstitious acts. Recently, a video surfaced on platform X featuring an Arab man reprimanding a visitor who seemed to be excessively venerating a wall on top of Jabal Rahmah.

The man emphasized that such behavior is frowned upon by Allah, and visitors should seek prayers from the Almighty instead. He urged people to stop such actions.

In another video, Mutawwif Asyraf from Rayhar Travels highlighted certain things to avoid when visiting Jabal Rahmah. He pointed out that there were six symbols drawn on a rock atop the hill, warning against acts that might lead to associating partners with Allah, a major sin.

Asyraf stated that one should not pray facing the wall on Jabal Rahmah. He clarified that while climbing the hill is fine, it’s wrong to ask for prayers while facing the wall since Muslims should direct their prayers towards the Kaaba.

Another forbidden act is writing names on the rocks at Jabal Rahmah, whether it’s your partner’s or your own. People often do this, hoping for Allah to bless them with lasting relationships. Asyraf discouraged such actions and emphasized that associating partners with Allah is a grave injustice.

He concluded by expressing hope that visits to Jabal Rahmah strengthen family bonds and bring about families filled with tranquility, love, and mercy. So, remember, when you’re at Jabal Rahmah, prayers facing Kaaba – good; scribbling names on rocks – not so much!

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