Meet the Amazing Woman, Associate Professor Dr. Zurina Hassan: Making Malaysia Proud with Kratom Research

source : Harian Metro

Get to know the name of Associate Professor Dr. Zurina Hassan, a researcher who has brought Malaysia’s name to the international stage with her studies on kratom, also known as ‘ketum’. Her success in receiving the Georg Forster recognition from the Alexander Von Humbolt Foundation in Germany proves her excellence in this field.

Two years ago, Dr. Zurina focused her research on the potential of kratom as a substitute for morphine or methamphetamine. Surprisingly, kratom, often misused for recreational purposes, has the potential to be a safer alternative.

Now, she continues to delve into the latest research on the effects of kratom on long-term memory function, hoping that the findings will benefit society. Dr. Zurina states that kratom could be a safer substitute for these dangerous drugs, with a low addiction potential at appropriate doses.

Despite facing challenges in conducting this research, especially as a wife, mother of four, and caregiver to a mother with dementia, Dr. Zurina feels grateful for the strong support of her family.

With a background in biomedical sciences from the University of Manchester, UK, and after pursuing bachelor’s and doctoral degrees at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Dr. Zurina remains enthusiastic about achieving her significant dream: making kratom a substitute for morphine or methamphetamine.

However, even though her dream of becoming a medical doctor didn’t materialize, she remains thankful for holding the title of ‘Dr’ in philosophy. Dr. Zurina acknowledges that her dream is ambitious, but she is confident that her hard work and dedication to her research will make that dream a reality someday.

Note: This article is an original information from Harian Metro and For the full details, please check the original source.

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