Sungai Kabul Looks Pretty In Pink But It’s Polluted Water – LUAS Takes Immediate Action!

Source: The Rakyat Post

The Selangor Water Management Authority (LUAS) has raised a yellow alert after discovering pink-colored water flowing into Sungai Kabul yesterday at around 6:40 pm.

LUAS confirmed that the polluted water stretched over 500 meters and could potentially affect the Sungai Semenyih Water Treatment Plant (LRA), located 16.3 km away from the incident.

The source of the pink discharge was traced to a nearby factory in the Beranang industrial area, which releases wastewater into the Beranang and Semenyih rivers.

The factory has been ordered to halt its discharge operations immediately. Under Section 121 (1) of the LUAS Enactment 1999, the factory is required to carry out immediate cleanup efforts at the affected site, with LUAS closely monitoring the process.

To ensure safety, LUAS has collected samples from relevant locations for analysis by the Department of Chemistry Malaysia (JKM). Additionally, static monitoring at Sungai Kabul has been implemented with 30-minute intervals, and for now, the situation is under control.

Air Selangor has confirmed there is no disruption to the water supply as a result of this incident.

This is not the first time polluted waters have entered Sungai Kabul. In 2022, foamy white substances were found flowing into the same river, which was traced back to a factory manufacturing construction materials and garden equipment in the Mahkota Industrial Area, Beranang. Previously, in 2022, water in Sungai Chandong, Klang, also turned pink, likely due to irresponsible wastewater discharge from the Pulau Indah industrial area.

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