Title: Malaysian Trucker Explains Why They Leave Space on the Road
Source : World Of Buzz
A Malaysian truck driver took to TikTok to shed light on why truckers maintain a distance in front of their vehicles while driving on busy roads.
In the video, the truck driver emphasized that leaving space in front of their trucks is not an invitation for other drivers to cut in front of them. He clarified, “When we give space in front of us, it is not for you to cut in front of a moving truck.”
The trucker went on to provide a crucial insight into the reason behind leaving that space, stating, “Do you know why we leave space in front of us? Braking for trucks and cars is different.” He explained that due to the heavy load they are carrying, trucks cannot afford to brake suddenly.
The purpose of the TikTok video is to create awareness and understanding among other drivers about the challenges faced by truckers on the road. The hope is that, with this simple explanation, drivers will be more cautious and avoid cutting in front of lorries, ultimately reducing the risk of accidents, especially involving heavy trucks.
Note: This article is an original information from World Of Buzz and For the full details, please check the original source.
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