Title: “10 Easy Car Maintenance Tips Every Adult Should Know

Source : Says
keep it running smoothly and avoid costly trips to the workshop. These tips not only save you money but also contribute to road safety.
Clean your battery terminals: Corrosion on your battery terminals can affect its integrity. Use a mixture of baking soda and water to neutralize corrosion. A wire brush helps dislodge buildup. Regularly check battery water levels for wet batteries.

Check your spare tire: The spare tire is often overlooked. Monitor its pressure and condition bi-monthly. Replace it if necessary, along with your current tires showing signs of degradation or bald spots.

Monitor brake pads: Listen for screeching sounds when braking; it indicates worn-out brake pads. Replace them immediately to prevent damage to the brake disc and ensure your safety on the road.

Replace windshield wipers: Good-quality wiper blades are crucial, especially during the rainy season. Replace them if they don’t wipe properly, skip on the windscreen, or leave wet spots.

Check engine oil: Monitor your engine oil by using the dipstick. Fresh oil is amber; pitch-black oil indicates a need for replacement. Also, check for glittery bits, indicating metal flakes and a potential serious issue.

image : Motorist SG
Replace cabin filter: Ensure the cabin air filter is in good condition to prevent pollutants from entering through vents. Replace it annually when servicing your air conditioning system.

Monitor coolant levels: Regularly check radiator coolant levels to prevent severe corrosion or buildup. Use a specially formulated coolant during servicing instead of tap water.

Rotate your tires: Uneven tire wear can be resolved by rotating your tires every six months or 10,000 to 12,000 km.

Check lights and replace bulbs: Ensure all lights are working correctly, including headlights, turn signals, reverse lights, and brake lights.

Keep a set of tools handy: Maintain an emergency toolkit with essentials like jumper cables, a flashlight, wrench, screwdrivers, a first-aid kit, cloth, and a reflective triangle. Adhere to the recommended service schedule to minimize breakdown risks.

By following these simple maintenance tips, you can contribute to the longevity of your car and enhance road safety.
Note: This article is an original information from Says and For the full details, please check the original source.